PPC Agency | Rochester, NY

PPC & Landing Pages

These two services go hand-in-hand, yet they’re too often separated between departments or even agencies.

Every aspect of your campaign needs to be optimized on a regular basis. We are a Rochester NY based PPC agency that tests ad content, keywords, bids, and demographics in conjunction with A/B testing of landing page layouts and content. As a result, we often see a +100% reduction in CPA on campaigns we inherit and optimize. Our team of experts understands the nuances of campaign optimization and has a keen eye for identifying areas for development. By leveraging our expertise, you can be sure that your digital marketing efforts are in capable hands, and that we will strive to exceed your expectations.

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Case Study

Draft Sharks

Case Study | Three Years (2017 – 2020)

Fantasy football has a small marketing window; it was up to a(m) to expertly position Draft Sharks for success with quality advertising and optimized landing pages.

See how we increased conversions by 1,900%. Yes, you read that right.
Case Study

Alliance Sweepstakes

Case Study | Two Years (2015 – 2017)

Spending ad dollars is easy. Perfectly targeting qualified leads looking for your services is hard. We made sure the first is only being spent on the second.

See how we optimized their PPC campaign for 300% more leads.

Draft Sharks PPC

Time Frame: Three Years (2017 – 2020)

Increase In Landing Page Conversions

Decrease in Cost Per Click

To help users secure the best draft picks in the league, first DraftSharks had to secure the best landing page strategy.


Sometimes PPC is knowing when to go big and when to go home. With DraftSharks – one of the nation’s largest Fantasy Football advice sites – the window of opportunity for going big and acquiring new customers is very narrow, dictated by NFL training camps and preseason schedules. In 2017, a(m) took over their PPC campaigns, knowing we had to nail their advertising timing in order to drive positive ROI results through carefully managed PPC. However, PPC advertisements were just one side of the coin; a(m) knew that this undertaking would also inevitably include improving DraftSharks’ landing page performance. Some companies see PPC and landing pages as two separate beasts, but we realize that successful advertising takes into account the entire journey of touchpoints that a prospect may experience. Therefore, it’s not enough to just manage the ads, the pages visitors land on after the click are of equal importance.


DraftSharks had a goal of selling more subscriptions for their fantasy football insights. The best way of doing so would be to utilize PPC ad dollars to drive traffic to landing pages. These pages needed to be fully optimized in order to actually close the sale and not have the money spent on getting a prospect there be wasted.

In 2017, the average cost per click was $0.63. In general, the cost per click lets the advertiser know both the effectiveness of their ads and the level of competition in the market. Over the next 2 years, a(m) and DraftSharks witnessed an increase in the level of competition, as the cost per click in 2019 rose to $1.97 – triple what it was just two years previous. This increase was due to new players in the market, so it was imperative to find a way to keep DraftSharks at the top of the food chain.

Our Solution

Landing Page Optimization

1,900% Increase in Landing Page Conversions

In order to support DraftSharks subscription goals, a(m) conducted over 58 experiments with Google Analytics, testing variables such as price and messaging. Just by testing variants of the CTA, a(m) was able to increase the baseline subscriptions from 9 per week to 176 per week. By meticulously following the data, a(m) increased the volume of conversions by 1,900%. Touchdown!

Landing Page examples for Draft Sharks

Cost Per Conversion


In spite of this more challenging marketplace, a(m) was able to improve performance. Our yearly cost per conversion showed a 12% improvement, lowering to $40 from $53. Seeing as DraftSharks spends upwards of $40k a month on PPC advertising, the cost per click was an important metric to monitor. By improving the ad copy and landing page language and layout to compensate for increased competition, a(m) was able to provide game-winning improvement.

Google Analytics Cost Per Conversion chart from May 2017 to April 21, 2020

“Accelerate Media’s skill, diligence, and commitment to testing has both boosted our conversions and saved us money. Their guidance and advice was, is, and will continue to be invaluable.”

Lenny Pappano, Principal

Alliance Sweepstakes

Time Frame: Two Years (2015 – 2017)

Reduction in CPA

Increase in Qualified Leads

Just like a sweepstakes contest, this paid search account quickly became a winner for Alliance.


Alliance Sweepstakes is a sweepstakes and contest administration company with over 70+ years in the business; their knowledge and expertise on sweepstakes management is second to none. While they excel at sweepstakes management, their PPC management left a bit to be desired. Like many companies, they had dedicated a huge budget for PPC advertising but weren’t seeing the ROI in actual conversions. Lucky for them, Accelerate Media was up to the task and took over PPC management in the spring of 2015. 


Before a(m) took over management of Alliance’s PPC account, it was costing Alliance $400+ to acquire a new lead. They were averaging 3 leads per month, which means only 3 companies were potentially interested in having Alliance run their sweepstakes for them. The rest was wasted ad budget – yikes. Our challenge was to revitalize their PPC campaign in order to reduce the amount per lead and up their monthly lead numbers.

Alliance's PPC Cost & Conversion Rates
Alliance’s PPC Cost & Conversion Rates

Our Solution

PPC Optimization


We were quickly able to re-orient their advertising to reflect the intent of the companies who needed help with sweepstakes administration. In order to improve performance, we structured the targeting in such a way to not advertise to consumers who were searching for ways to win sweepstakes, refining the schema to only show ads to businesses offering a sweepstakes to consumers. 

Thanks to extensive marketing analysis, the trends quickly reversed. We provided Alliance an over 50% reduction in their average cost per acquisition, lowering the prices from $400+ to around $140. Even better, the volume of qualified leads increased from an average of 3 per month to over 15 a month – a 300% increase. With a healthy amount of leads flowing in each month, Alliance was able to close more deals and run more sweepstakes contests for other big brands. Cha-ching!

“My company has worked with Accelerate for the past 8+ years and couldn’t be happier. I consider their help & guidance a large part of our business growth.”

Gene Cairo, CEO
PPC Conversions
PPC + LP = Conversions

Sure, we create landing pages and manage PPC campaigns. But more importantly, we create landing pages that are specifically designed to improve your PPC campaign. We don’t do one without the other because we know that won’t achieve optimal conversions. We take careful consideration to match the language of your ads to your landing pages and ensure that each landing page is tailored to receive the traffic that the ad group sends it.

Constantly monitoring, experimenting, optimizing—and driving conversions.

PPC Management
Conscientious PPC Management

The PPC model of advertising is highly advantageous to advertisers, as you are only charged if someone clicks on the ad to visit your website. But, since you’re paying to direct them to your site, it’s important that they’re greeted with rich, relevant information as soon as they arrive. So we make sure ad copy and landing pages are well-aligned—with each other and with user search intent. In addition to yielding better results, this also yields higher quality scores in Google’s eyes. And, by having great quality scores, ads are served more frequently to eager searchers at a more cost-effective rate. Talk about a win-win.

Aligned content on landing pages
Aligned Landing Pages

Not every aspect of every page of your website is going to be what a user wants. After all, if someone came to a(m) looking for our SEO services, this page would be of no use to them. If we landed them here after they typed “SEO Rochester NY” they’d be confused and frustrated, retreating quickly back to the SERP because it seems this result “got it wrong.” That’s why we make sure to create custom landing pages that are laser-focused on user search intent. We’ll only show visitors content that directly relates to their query, stripping away anything that could be a distraction or cause friction. Sometimes this includes your expansive navigation or footer site-map. After all, our intent is for users to take action on the page they’re on, without wandering off or getting distracted.

Don’t settle for one without the other. Partner with the best PPC agency in Rochester, NY.

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